Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I think that's what I would describe Mohawk as now.
He wants his freedom, but not quite ready to go too far away.
He wants to spread his wings (literally), but likes to feel secure.

Today we gave him some supervised time out of his "cage" while Pounce waited patiently in the garage.

First step, take a peek around.

Next, make sure the coast is clear...

Take a leap of faith...2 inches or so anyway...

Balance yourself and then...

...flap over to the next closest available perch!

He's definitely not ready to fly yet - his feathers are not all completely out, but he does like to get out of the basket, so we took him to the shady part of the yard and let him move about a bit.

Once he flapped to the ground, he ran straight towards our legs and stayed between them while he checked out the scenery.
First he went to Ivan...

Then visited Hannah...

Jenelle was content to watch from a distance.

I don't know what the days ahead hold.
I know that he may be at a disadvantage because we've raised him instead of his bird family.
I hope that his instincts kick in when they should and he can feed himself and keep himself safe.
I hope we haven't doomed him.

But I'm glad we didn't choose the alternative.

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