Friday, September 9, 2016

We're moving!

Well...I guess technically I'M blog anyway!


I love lots of things about Google...but their blogging space isn't one of them.

Most likely it actually boils down to my inability to use it correctly, but whatever the reason, I'm ready for a change!

This blog will remain here for as long as Google lets it I guess - you can access it anytime to be reminded of the enthralling adventures of our past lives!

I think I'll try and find a way to preserve it on a hard drive, or a blah blah blah (that's about how much I know about what I'm talking about) so that it will be around "forever".

In the meantime here's where you can find me...

As soon as I'm set up and can figure out what I'm doing over at Wordpress, I'll set up a way for you to subscribe so that you can be notified when my brilliant thoughts have been put to paper so to speak.

See you soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I will follow you and your brilliant thoughts anywhere. There are a few companies that will turn your posts into a printed book. Just an idea. :)
