Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Week in Pictures - 15 February - 21 February

2/15 - Sunday Papers after the morning walk with Jenelle to Walgreens

2/16 - Sir Pounce looking pretty awesome!

2/17 - Jenelle.  When did she go from little girl to little lady?

2/18 - The nasty truth of my kitchen windows.  This is where Pounce sits when he wants to be fed.  The spots on the left are his wet nose marks.  Notice how low they are...peeking in our house even when the blinds are pulled low. The cloudiness on the right is where his dusty fur rubs up on the screen!  This is embarrassing!  There's a short time each day when the sun shines through these windows and makes me feel horrible...and sadly, after that I forget again until the next day!

2/19 - The skies lately are just incredible!

2/20 - An empty seat because Hannah rode to school with Jack for the first time today.  Won't be long before she's driving herself.

2/21 - Potato pancakes this morning in my favorite skillet!

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