Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boulder Cave and Chinook Pass

back to our Texas visitors!

The next thing we did was take a day trip to Boulder Cave and then on to Chinook Pass to see the beauty of the Mt. Rainier area.

Boulder Cave was our first stop.
It's a great hike for adventurous kids.
You need a flashlight to get through the whole thing...pitch dark at some points.
We went early and were the only ones hiking the trail and the cave.
By the time we exited, cars were filling the parking lot, so we considered ourselves pretty lucky on our timing.

Lots of wildlife to be seen.
Chipmunks and birds (no thank you to anymore birds!!!)
Steph took this awesome picture of a baby bird waiting for his mom to come feed him.

Steph and her boys!

After we ate, we headed on toward Chinook Pass.
The last time the kids and I went there, there was lots and lots of snow!
Let's see if it was still there...
Yep...still there!
And plenty of it!

Dear Texas,
I wish I could melt this and send it your way!

This is only 1 1/2 hours from my front door.
Pictures never do it justice.

I laugh remembering how Stephanie pretended to put this stick in the car...telling the boys she was going to take it home to Texas on the airplane.
They were very surprised, but probably wished she meant it.

Another awesome that we decided to top off with a second shave ice.
Thankfully this time it was warm enough to eat it outside!


  1. Wow - that snow looks sooo good right now! It's HOT here. And that 'stick' reminds me of Hunter - he would have loved that!!!

  2. I thought of him too! Coincidentally, it wasn't much further from here that Donald had taken him on the hike where he actually found his big stick! Hadn't thought of that til reading your comment!

  3. Snow so close. Great fun for all of you. None of us can forget HUNTER. I got a walking stick while I was in LA - my cousin made it for me. Not as long as Stephanie's stick.
