The annual cheese rolling event that has taken place on Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire for almost 200 years, has been "officially" cancelled!
I am so thankful that while we lived in Cheltenham, we took the opportunity to go and see it! I remember the traffic being so bad, that at one point we almost turned back.
Here's a few of the pictures I took.
Donald, Jenelle, Hannah and Ivan
See the small white dot? That's the prize!
This gives you a good idea of how steep the hill is!
These are the crazy people heading to the top of the hill. Can you find the naked bum?
Here's a Youtube clip that gives a good idea of what it must be like to actually do the run down the hill.
I can certainly see why people would think it dangerous and unnecessary.
But hey, if you're stupid enough to essentially throw your body down a steep slope in hopes of winning a 7 pound roll of cheese, who are we to judge?
I'll say that was one fascinating video. It reminds me of the Spanish "Running of the Bulls" but without those nagging pointy things that seem to keep opening the participant bodies.