Sunday, April 17, 2016


We are into April and the colors in Yakima are A-MAZ-ING!!
It's apple blossom and dogwood time around here.
A few more weeks and the petals will be gone making way for the fruits that we love...and that is good...but spring colors just don't last long enough!!

Speaking of dogwoods...
On Mother's Day 2012 I picked out a white dogwood tree and the next year it produced TWO blooms.
The next two years there might have been a handful more, but I was worried we'd gotten a dud.
This year though, it came to its senses and put on quite a show!
I'm going to love to watch this tree grow each year!
Spring also brought Easter and its usual egg dyers, nest makers and morning hunters
Hannah was sleeping in, having worked until nearly midnight the previous evening.  
But her special eggs were still hunted!
This year was the end of innocence when it comes to the Easter Bunny (and therefore Santa and the Tooth Fairy as well).  
Jenelle has been suspicious but her doubts were confirmed this year.  
It was time. 
But!  I'm still going to hide eggs and pay for teeth and put presents under the tree from Santa.
Why should the fun end here?
Springtime also means getting out of the house for walks and wildflowers!
Jenelle and I checked out a place we'd never been before called Snowmountain Ranch.

And spring is also time for tulips!
If they aren't growing in your yard, buy them!
Tulips make everything better!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hikes with Hannah

Because Hannah is taking half high school courses and half college classes, she doesn't get a full spring break like the years past.

A few weeks ago she had her time off from the community college, so she'd go to school in the morning at Ike and then come home around 11:30 each day.

So on a couple of those days, we took off on a local walking/hiking adventure. 
The first day we walked the Greenway and ended up at the Arboretum.
The weather is warming up a bit and things are starting to bloom.
Taking serious photographs was our goal!

The second time out we walked from Naches Heights Winery down into Cowiche Canyon.
A beautiful day and a lot of fun!
Better views, a lot more silliness and of me!!
I know that these days of being together like this are numbered.
In a year and a half Hannah will be leaving home and these opportunities won't come so easy.
I'm soaking them up while I can.